Meet Mr.Silva

I grew up in a city about 50 miles south of Boston called Attleboro.
I lived on Knight Ave. and the train tracks ran smack dab in the middle of my street.
I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, literally.
The two things I remember most about my childhood are religion and not having much, if anything."God above all, was taught, which I fully agree with, but succeeding in life never came up. Money, acquiring or managing, wasn't taught in lower-middle class families and I had no idea what "rich" even meant, other than not us.

With that upbringing as my motivation, I've spent the last 20 years investing in myself in the world of personal development, small business, and finance. Now, I have a strong desire to help people and it brings me joy to see others succeed.
If you need help finding clarity, and building your business, I can be a resource for you.
Let's connect.
I am a product of my coaching

When I packed my family up and moved us all from Massachusetts to Texas, it was a very tough transition for me. I gained a lot of weight, I was not always so nice to my friends and family and I had a very tough time making money.
No matter how hard I would work or how much I would study I could not get out of my own way. It was not until I worked with coaches, read the right books and change my mind about how I viewed certain things, that I began to get results. The weight came off, my relationships are fantastic, and money is flowing.
I share this because I believe it is important to let my clients know I am not the man who stand over the hole and tosses you a rope or ladder. I am the guy who jumps in with you and can help you find your way out because I have been their before.
The process
I was able to lose 44 lbs and double my income by applying some key principles that are not seen as very popular in todays business coaching culture. I applied the teachings of three very specific books which we talk about in depth in the coaching process. I learned to take it easy, I learned how to pace myself, measure where I am, and self asses when I got off track.
There is a process you can learn to steam roll you way to the lifestyle you want to have. It does not happen overnight. It took me a little over a year to get the results that I have on the left side of that picture. It will take me another 4 years to reach my true desires. But everyday I have joy and peace because I have confirmation I headed in the right direction.