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This website was created by Intrepid Media
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I help solo entrepreneurs find their path in business and life.


What do I do?

What I bring to the table is the ability to add substance to your vision and dreams. The substance is technology, action steps, and strategies all designed to help you actually build the life AND business you want.

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Why not get what you want?

As I continue to grow in life, I am learning you really can have the things you want if you are willing to put in the work for them. I am also learning sometimes when you get what you ask for it doesn’t look or feel like you imagined. 

Learn how to have peace in your life.

Life lessons are fundamental in building a future you can really enjoy. This short read tells my story and shares a point of view that may help you live a life with less stress and chaos.

Who do I want to work with?

I serve humans. More specifically I serve humans who desire to accomplish  goals in business and in life. More specific than that, I serve humans who desire to find their gifts and use them to impact the community around them. If that is you and you are having trouble building the life you see when you close your eyes, I can relate. It took me almost three decades to figure out how to use my gift and I am still learning today. Let's have a conversation about solving the problem of what is in your way.

One of the most valuable lessons I have learned in my life
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Image by Samantha Gades

Join The Community

Anything you do in life with the exception of coming into it and leaving it you can do with a tribe. Our community is a group of individuals who only desire to get the most out of life, love whole heartedly, and are ok with their flaws. If you feel like this is your or something you want to be a part of, click the button below.

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